Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First Week

My awesome friends,Before I forget....I NEED PHYSICAL ADDRESSES...if you want me to write to you, of course :)....for at least the next two weeks, I won't be able to directly email, but I'm allowed to send it through my mom.
Well, the big red timer on the screen says I have a 5 minutes so I'll make it quick!
This first week has been absolutely unreal. Nerves, excitment, fear...all of those emotions mixed together plus lots of food, walking, make for a pretty amazing experience. As far as teaching lessons, in one week I've done so much more than I ever thought was possible, and I can only hope that the next two weeks will be as productive!
Now that I pretty much speak spanish only, it's amazing how quickly I'm forgetting some English words.....I refuse to come back speaking with a funny accent, but I'm sure you would all be thoroughly entertained :).
My companions are shy but they know their purpose and who they serve, and so that's really all that matters. They are going to Boise, Idaho, and Mexico City West (I'm going East). My district is AWESOME....when we're together, "shy" is thrown out the window!! Sometimes we're a little too roudy, but once again, they all have incredible testimonies and will do great things.
I've got to wrap it up for this week, but I'm going to pre-write my email for next week, and come up with some clever format that includes "funny story of the week"..."spiritual experience" and stuff like that. I just want all of you to know that I have a testimony of this gospel. I have no doubt of it's truthfulness and even though you're are not "full-time missionaries" you can do great things with missionary work to help out. Have a great week, until next week....
Elder Dan Israel Lopez

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